Crash and Burn

…or How To Make A Complete Hash Out of a Half Marathon PB Attempt.  You can probably guess from these early sentences that things didn’t go so well for me on Sunday.

Things started out brilliantly.  The conditions were much better than anticipated, with hardly any wind and some nice spells of warming sunshine.  The course was flat and fast and I made the risky decision to go out hard from the start.  (You can really detect the looming sense of foreboding here can’t you?!).

A beautiful day (photo credit: Martin Pearson)

A beautiful day (photo credit: Martin Pearson)

The first half (on paper at least), was spot on.  Miles 1-6 were all with the range of 6:50 – 6:58 and I reached the half-way point in just under 45 minutes.  But in reality, my race was already beginning to unravel.  The first six and a half miles of a half-marathon should feel pretty comfortable, or at worst, ‘comfortably hard’.  But I was already feeling the heat, literally as well as figuratively.  The sun was beating down and I was losing a ridiculous amount of salt early on in the race.  But these, of course, are just excuses.  Let’s cut the crap.  My body (and mind) are just not capable of running 13.1 miles at that speed.  Yet.

So far, so good! (photo credit: Martin Pearson)

So far, so good! (photo credit: Martin Pearson)

From mile 7 I started slowing (7:08 pace).  My breathing was pretty good but it was my legs that were holding me back.  Again, I’m not saying this to make excuses for a poor performance but I did something really stupid the day before the race.  I attended an hour long bootcamp session, despite never experiencing a bootcamp session in my life before.  I know, believe me, I know.  Just stupid.  The decision to start attending bootcamp on a regular basis is an excellent one (all those squats, lunges, upper body strengthening and core work will really improve my running).  The decision to start the day before a race – senseless.  I knew it would affect me but I did it anyway, naively believing that I could get away with only putting about 70% effort in.  What a donkey.  My hamstrings were tight, quads hard as rocks and it hurt to go up and downstairs.  Great race prep!

But enough of the excuses.  Miles 8-10 passed by and I slowed to 7:30ish pace, which is still pretty respectable all things considered.  But by mile 11, my legs were done.  I walked.  A blowout of epic proportions.  I felt dizzy and sick and I decided to be sensible about it.  But surprisingly, I didn’t feel too disappointed.  It just wasn’t my day, that’s all.  It also wasn’t my brother’s day, who was racing with the same goal as me.  He’s a much faster runner than I am, but he hasn’t run further than 8 miles since his marathon in early spring.  (I’m pretty sure we have a genetic pre-disposition to make stupid decisions).

The 'before' photo! (Photo credit: Fylde Coast Running)

The ‘before’ photo! (Photo credit: Fylde Coast Running)

He’d slowed to a walk before I did, but managed to get running again and he caught me back up.  We both knew our race was over in terms of time goals but there was no way either of us were quitting.  We walked together for a bit and then we started to run.  Loads of people passed us and gave us encouragement, and we responded in kind.

We reached mile 11 (after a 10:30 minute mile!) and the last water station.  I didn’t realise how thirsty I was until I received that bottle of water.  Normally I’d have a few sips and throw the bottle to the side, but I hung on to that bottle as though I was stranded out to sea and it was the only thing keeping me afloat.  I drunk every last drop and was still desperate for more.

We plodded on.  With my brother leading the way, constantly encouraging me, we picked it back up to a 9 minute mile pace.  Those last few miles were the hardest I think I’ve ever endured.  They were never ending.  After an age, the finish line came into view.  I grabbed his hand and we ran those last hundred metres side by side, arms aloft.  

At last!! (photo credit: Martin Pearson

At last!! (photo credit: Martin Pearson)

Gun time – 1:42:15.  Surprisingly, this was actually my second best ever result for a road half-marathon and really not too shabby when you consider how much we’d walked!  But of course there’s no shying away from the fact that it was nowhere near what I was hoping for.  I sat down.  I reflected.  I ate a Wagon Wheel.

 If you want to know what mental strength looks like in picture form, it’s this:

Mental strength isn't pretty! (Photo credit: Martin Pearson)

Mental strength isn’t pretty! (Photo credit: Martin Pearson)

Believe me, it’s hard to keep going when you can see your goal slipping out of your hands with every step.  But you wipe the sweat from your brow, the salt from your cheeks and you keep going.  You learn from your mistakes and you dare to dream again.  But most importantly, you congratulate yourself for fighting on…..

2014-08-24 13.49.27




  1. david howard · · Reply

    Wonderful journalism again with great pics showing all the effort!!
    Was exhausting just watching!!
    I am sure this run will put you in good stead for future attempts on what is a very challenging goal you have set yourself!!–no more day before 5k runs followed by boot camps!!

    1. Yep, lesson learned!!

  2. Even a bad run is a learning experience…well done for making it to the end

    1. Thanks Claire – I agree. A lot was learned from Sunday’s experience!

  3. Don’t be hard on yourself – we’ve all gone out too fast at some point and had to dig deep to finish, but that’s still a great time!

    1. Thanks Angela, that’s kind of you. Hopefully this mistake won’t be repeated, but it’s not guaranteed 😉

  4. mia79gbr · · Reply

    So sorry to hear you had such a tough race. But … still 2nd best time for a road marathon EVEN WITH WALKING which just shows how good you are at this running thing!! 🙂 We have to have a crappy race every now and then … it’s like the law or something. Sorry yours had to be now. Hugs.

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Sarah. It was mostly my own stupid fault anyway! I think it’s good to endure some rubbish performances – makes us stronger and all that. Plus it makes the victories that much sweeter 🙂

  5. Hey you’re human after all 😉 Yowch sounded fairly painful. But I love your perspective on it. These things happen. You live and learn. The bad races make those good races so much sweeter. Onwards and upwards (how many more cliches an I get in here??)

    1. Ha ha, love a good cliche! Thanks Anna. I’m enjoying a bit of time out to recover and then the hard work will begin again!

  6. I think you still did a good job even if it wasn’t what you were looking for. There will always be more races but you can learn something from every one you run and use that to improve in future races. Plus the heat is insane and sometimes we all have to walk, especially in a half marathon. You got through it and you definitely earned the post race beer!

    1. Thanks for your perspective Amy, I completely agree. Hopefully the next one will feel a little better!

  7. steven gotts · · Reply

    Why why why do we do silly things leading up to a race or in the race. We tell ourselves not to change anything or go off too fast but something takes over our brain.
    It was a warm day and you was lucky there was no water left at the last water station for us slower runners 2h01m11s.
    13.1 miles under our belt and a nice senic run

    1. I’ve no idea why Steven, but we still do it sometimes don’t we?! Gutted to hear there was no water at the last station for you…..I know I seriously needed that water so I’ve bo idea how you coped (but you shouldn’t have had to cope). Well done on your run!

  8. Shake it off, it happens! You’ll be that much faster next time!! And I hope all four of those beers are yours 🙂

    1. Ha ha, cheers Jason 🙂

  9. getgoing-getrunning · · Reply

    And drink beer! Good on you for going all out anyway. Leave the bootcamp alone next time and you’ll be in with a shot!

    1. Yeah will definitely be staying away from all types of strength training in the five days or so leading up to the next race…..silly girl!

      1. getgoing-getrunning · ·

        The flip side of this is that even with dead-legs you managed a 1:42, so fully fit fit and fatigue-free a 1:29:59 seems doable. Are you planning another half before winter to have another crack at it?

      2. Yeah that’s true – there was quite a bit of walking too so the time really wasn’t that bad considering! Will be having another go in October, November and January I think, meanwhile will be upping the training a bit.

      3. getgoing-getrunning · ·

        Maybe you could consider October as a tune-up race and November as your goal race? That’ll allow you to see the impact of your new training regime and volume midway through prep.

      4. Yeah that’s some good advice, thank you 🙂

      5. getgoing-getrunning · ·

        Thanks. If only I would follow my own advice more often!

  10. I can only dream of finishing a half in that time, running all the way! As mentioned by others I really do think it’s a great indication of what you’ve got in your legs so don’t take this one too hard. Just a bad day at the office. Your sub 90 is in no danger : )

    1. Thank you, having a ‘day of self-doubt’ and reading that was just what I needed 🙂

  11. […] I was going to have a great race.  All those feelings of doubt that were cast into my mind by the Fleetwood Half marathon were being squashed with every […]

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